For many years the Dominican students in the western Dominican province have completed their studies in philosophy and theology in the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), located in Berkeley, California on the campus of the university of California: All these years the Dominicans have rented space from the Episcopalian school in the GTU. Now they are no longer able to do so, for the Episcopalians need that space.

For this reason the Dominican Fathers are seeking to purchase a piece of property in that area that is for sale. However, property in that area is extremely expensive. We are making an appeal to friends of the Dominicans to help raise the money needed for the purchase of the property referred to - for classrooms and office space needed for the education and training of our seminarians.

This might seem like an impossible dream, but members of the Confraternity know the power of the rosary, and we know the generosity of the members of the Confraternity.

In our publication, THE ROSARY LIGHT AND LIFE, we have never before made an appeal of this sort. But because of the critical situation for the education and formation of our seminarians, we are asking those who receive our publication for whatever contribution they can manage towards this urgent need - made payable to Dominican Seminary Fund. Too, please keep this need in your prayers. May our Lady of the Rosary bless you.

Contibutions may be mailed to:

Please also visit our Domincan Province where you may donate online, Development.